mercredi 16 juillet 2008

Where We Can Find The Happiness?

  • The Happiness is now and not tomorrow or yestereday, but live your life at this moment with positive visions , don't let mind go back to the past which is over and finish, there is no way to deal with it unless you want to contaminate your present and substitute by the negative act happened in your past. make sure that you are living the moment with positive ideas, and make sure that the past was only source of lessons to learn that all. one thing is very important to remind you is that every second you spend t will go and never come back for this reason we should involve our self for it.
  • One thing is very important is to set in mind that we got only this day to leave and then we will really involve ourselves very hard to acheive ur targets and do what we paln it in a very good mood, even this one of source of hapiness when you feel that you are doing your job and once we are involved in our present and living the online moment , sure we will be involving to focus on our present and Here You will never go back to the past or even involving to negatives thoughts or acts in the past, the best result you wil never being worried or something like this.
  • Future, paln it only don't involve your self on it otherwise you be afraid for a lot of things that may never will happen. trust in God , Trust only for the ower of God that create you and guide you to happiness and don't worry what will come otherwise you never enjoy your golden moment which God give it to you.

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